On April 30, 2024, within the framework of the Egyptian-Belarusian Business Forum in Cairo, the Director of the National Agency of Investment and Privatization Dzmitry Krasoŭsky and the Executive Director of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones of Egypt Hossam Heiba signed a memorandum of understanding.


The conclusion of this agreement will contribute to the development of cooperation ties between companies of Egypt and Belarus and increase awareness of the investment opportunities of the Republic of Belarus among the companies and private investors in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

While preparing the memorandum, a selection of project ideas posted on the interactive portal “Investor Road Map” was sent to the Egyptian side. This package of investment proposals was formed on the basis of an analysis of foreign interests and opportunities of Egyptian companies conducted by NAIP. It includes 19 projects in the fields of chemistry and petrochemistry, textile industry, metallurgy and metalworking, medical device production, real estate and tourism with a total value of $980 million.

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The General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) is the principal governmental authority concerned with regulating and facilitating investment in Egypt. It promotes Egypt's potential sectors to attract foreign investment.

The Egyptian-Belarusian business forum is organized by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and takes place as part of the visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko to the Arab Republic of Egypt. During the forum, B2B negotiations between Belarusian and Egyptian companies took place, as well as a number of presentations. NAIP Director Dzmitry Krasoŭsky have pitched the investment potential of the Republic of Belarus.